Monday 1 August 2016

Its trash Day: Sonia Kruger

Its trash Day: Sonia Kruger


 Sonia Kruger is apparently a 'media personality', i had to look it up as i preferring my news unbiased, i don't actually watch much commercial television.

Sonia Kruger made derogatory comments in 2008 saying:

 "Let's just say there's a sweatshop full of illegal immigrants working on them right now,'' Kruger said before referring to Lim, the show's Malaysian-born musical director.

"How's the family, Chong? All right?'' 

The station apologized without reservation for her offensive comments.

 It seems she may have learn her lesson about trivializing the plight of sweatshop workers and immigrants, but unfortunately she has turned her attention to religious discrimination.
 Sonia Kruger has called for the scrapping of the Australian constitution and the ban of Muslims entering Australia. She wants our country to do this because she is frightened of tourism. her uneducated comments were apparently inspired by an Andrew Bolt article, she might fell better if she didn't read that anymore and got her news from more respectable sources.

 For those who are lucky enough to not know who Andrew Bolt is, he is a radical right commentator who has widely been criticized for quoting leaked  intelligence documents, being a stolen generation denier, publicly defaming a female magistrate, racial discrimination against Aboriginal Australians, and his homophobia.

 Back to Sonia Kruger, she has now added LGBT children to her list of enemy's. She has attacked the one scholarship that was designed for an LGBT year 10 student. She seemed to be implying that people can not make a person disadvantaged for being LGBT. With the recent attacks and neutering of the Safe Schools anti-bullying program it seems scholarships like this one are even more necessary. She seems visibly pained by the idea of a young LGBT person getting a fair go.
I do wonder if she is also against scholarships based on race, gender, or economics?
I am also left to wonder just how serious she is about opposing terrorism when she carries on in such a homophobic manner, has she so quickly forgotten the Orlando Pulse tragedy
No you really cant be both, you cant be against terrorism and for homophobia.

 I can speak from experience, at my high school i was forced to the deputy's office every morning and told i wasn't welcome at the school, i was told that i should leave. I spent many days in 'the room' (isolation cell) and was eventually refused a school certificate, at least in part due to my sexuality.

Can you guess which disadvantaged minority she will attack next?

 Some Statistics:
61% of LGBT youth experience homophobia.
18% of LGBT youth experience physical homophobic abuse. 
80% of Homophobic bullying of youth happens at school.
LGBT youth are three times more likely to experience depression due to the homophobia in our society.

Further Reading:

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