Thursday 12 January 2017

Hanson redefines homophobia

One Nation has a homophobia problem

 One Nation* and its professional politician leader Pauline Hanson has a long history of homophobia. One Nations* website states that they want to keep Australians unconstitutional discriminatory marriage laws, One Nation* does not support equal rights.

 Also remember that One Nation* leader Pauline Hanson disgustingly tried to straight-wash the Pulse homophobic terror attack!

 It looked like One Nation* might have been improving its morality with promises of proper venting of candidates which is a good thing considering the science denying, racist and homophobic, conspiracy theory promoting nature of the candidates. Could we hope that this new direction might encourage One Nation to re-think its homophobic policy's?

 Andy Semple who had been selected as a One Nation* state candidate for Queensland. He resigned after outrage at his homophobic twitter behavior. He tweeted a pro-trump (anti-LGBT) meme that was incredibly inappropriate, and then taunted anyone who would reasonably find it offensive by calling them the "queer mafia".

 Despite the meme he shared being alt-right, homophobic and pro- shooting and him saying in the tweet that he isn't supportive of LGBT people having equal rights, He astonishingly claims that he isn't a homophobe. But went on to say he liked to make fun of political opponents, scientists and already vilified minority's. So we can thank One Nation* for actually asking him to rein in the homophobia, even if he resigned and was not fired, we don't need more bigotry in Australian politics.

 Then we had Shan Ju Lin another Queensland One Nation* candidate who seemed to enjoy spreading anti-gay hate speech on Facebook, with posts saying that gays were sick, abnormal, criminals. She went on to support the bullying of LGBT youth, mis-identifyd what traditional values were and that gays should have to take a gay test at a doctors before coming out? Of course Shan Ju Lin claimed her views were not homophobic, before hypocritically saying she was only concerned about child welfare... 

 We need better sexual education and the safe-schools program to be mandatory in all schools, so people don't grow up with such hideously wrong headed views, she is a politician for frights sake!

 Now this may shock many but Pauline Hanson actually fired Shan Ju Lin saying that her views were not supported by One Nation*, even saying that the homophobic views expressed "trashed" One Nation*. 

 It is good to know that One Nation*s homophobia does have limits, though Hanson seems to be drawing the line in a strange place, still its a good thing Hanson recognized Homophobia and dealt with it appropriately. We can only hope this is a sign that One Nation* may be turning a new leaf in dealing with the rampant homophobia within its party and its hideous treatment of LGBT Australians may improve.

 We were then presented with Tracey Bell-Henselin yet another One Nation candidate. 

 She took to Facebook to falsely claim that gays were the real bigots and were out to destroy families. Obviously this is utter nonsense and victim blaming double speak. It is the bigots whose homophobia separates LGBT Australians from their family, we are not responsible for our family's lack of empathy, acceptance, or love. Homophobia is the problem, not homosexuality.

 She went on to claim that defending Australia's unconstitutional, discriminatory law was lawful. Which i suppose is debatable, though i would argue that the constitution should take precedence over Howard's homophobic changes to the marriage act.

 She bemoaned people correctly labeling her as a bigot and homophobe. Seriously people if you don't want to wear your label with pride, simply stop fitting that label. We cant change your behavior for you. 

  She also seems to be under the misconception that gay people are not born like heterosexual people as there are apparently no mothers or fathers of LGBT people in her bizarre world view.
 She is also under the delusion that trans people are predatory sexual criminals, despite all evidence to the contrary. Now i would show statistics on the rates of predatory bathroom behavior among transgender people, but for the fact that their are none, because it just isn't a thing that really happens in the real world. Its just easy for bigots to rile up hate against trans people because their situation isn't easily understood by the majority who are often fearful of anything different.

 Of course Tracy Bell-Henselin is against safe schools, preferring that LGBT kids, and those perceived to be LGBT are bullied despite recent youth suicide due to homophobic bullying. And the fact that the recent homophobia expressed by One Nation* candidates including her own, shows how important good sexual education really is.


 In a strange move Hanson apparently laughed off Tracy Bell- Henselins homophobia falsely claiming these homophobic comments are not homophobic at all. Hanson seems to be drawing the line between what is and isn't homophobic in very strange places. It is a very wriggly and scribbled line indeed....

 Homophobes actually don't get to choose what is or is not homophobia. Homophobia is the discrimination, hatred, or vilification of LGBT people. You cant pick and chose within that definition what you want to include and exclude, you just need to stop treating the LGBT community as a scapegoat, stop cashing in on homophobia.

Can you justify why Tracy Bell-Henselins homophobia is any different from the other One Nation* candidates? Why is one candidate spreading the disgusting lie that homosexuality and pedophilia are somehow linked, sacked and the other not? 


*  Excludes; Non-whites, Non- christians, Non -straights.


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