Monday, 6 July 2015

Book Review: HvH presents Gone to the Movies

 Gone To The Movies

Artist:                                   HvH

Publisher:                            Bruno Gmunder        

Type:                                    Hard Cover

Pages:                                   61

Genre:                                  Art

Published:                           2008

ISBN:                                  9783861878865

Source:                                Independently purchased 

This is going to be a slightly different book review, mostly because this is an art book. This book is Adult and NSFW it does portray nudity and adult situations. It also states boldly that all models and characters are 18 years and older.

So before we start meet Winky, he’s a funny little fellow who likes to photobomb, more specifically he likes to block the view of the private parts. He usually spends his time hanging out near my bathroom or bedroom mirror but decided to join in on this blog. Mr Winky does not come with the book and the book contains full frontal male, erect nudity.

The book itself is a beautifully HARD bound; it seems well made and durable enough. The paper is THICK, not quite cardboard but damn close. The colours are vibrant and the art is spectacular.
We start things off with an introduction by Eric Arvin author.  The book is basically a parody of movie posters, re-imagined with a gay theme. 

The book is divided into sections; Classics, Science Fiction, Action, Horror, Thriller, Drama, Comedy, and Musical. I won’t spoil all the pages for you, i will list just a few of the movies these pictures parodied instead.

Cleopatra, Nosferatu, King Kong. Star Wars, Aliens Vs Predator, Planet of the Apes, Jurassic Park, Jaws, Nightmare on Elm street, Friday the 13th, and Night of the Living Dead, there are over 50 so this is a small selection.

This book is excellent; it is fun to flick through and see the fantastic art, and to imagine if movies were a little gayer. 

I highly recommend this book, it would be great for any gay man (there is no lesbianism in this book), movie lover or art lover.

The only issue I have is that I want to get some of these in full movie poster size format and i would have loved for the book to be LONGER.

 The Artist HVH has his own NSFW Blogspot website.
The publisher has a website where you can buy direct, it would also contain adult materials.

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Barnaby Joyce is wrong on equality

 Barnacle Joyce Strikes Again

Regular readers of this blog or anyone who doesn’t watch only biased news will remember Barnaby Joyce the agriculture minister of Australia as the man who attacked an animal welfare group for exposing cruelty in the Australian wool industry, or perhaps the man who threatened to have Johnny Depp’s little terriers killed.

Amazingly Barnaby is still in the front bench and is still the agriculture minister; he is in the news again for his cruel and barbaric comments on equality. This is what he said:

“I don’t believe we should be redefining marriage.”

So we should repeal the change to the marriage act of 2004, no not really he is pretending that never happened.

-“(marriage) is not about equality”

That may be easy to say when you have the rights that others do not, marriage equality is exactly about equality.

He seems to be saying that if you change the marriage legislation then, it still doesn’t change marriage. Again I have to wonder about the discriminatory changes made in 2004 that excluded same-sex couples. But again he isn’t referring to that legislation only legislation that would allow equal rights. Also if it wouldn't change his interpretation of his religions current version of marriage (which it wouldn't) then why does he stand against it?

He is using the term traditional marriage, I don’t think 2004 to present makes something traditional, and let’s be honest here when he says traditional he means biblical.  I don’t think he is really advocating for traditional biblical marriage, just his interpretation of his religions current version of marriage. The marriage laws in Australia are supposed to be non-secular, religion has nothing to do with t, and well except for the fact the laws were changed in 2004 to prevent the practice of same sex marriages by those religions that accept the fact homosexuality is a natural expression of human sexuality.

He said “everybody doesn’t get everything they want.” Now hang on just one minute here, were talking about removing unconstitutional discriminatory legislation and giving equal rights to a persecuted minority, and that’s his response.  Perhaps if we were asking for retroactive compensation for all the ears we haven’t had equal rights that may be something a sane person might say. If we were even just demanding the return of want all the estimated taxes, levees and government fees we have paid since we were born gay without full rights, then maybe.  But we are not, we just want equal rights, and to not be discriminated against would be nice, that’s it, that’s our agenda.

We’re talking about the increased feelings of commitment, acceptance and the benefit that children may have when their parents are married, and his response is “everybody doesn’t get everything they want.”. When talking about removing governmental discrimination, that studies have shown leads to prejudice and discrimination in other areas of our society. When talking about the discrimination of homosexuals that can lead to depression, drug abuse, stress, anxiety, and suicide he said “everybody doesn’t get everything they want.” Lets just let the gravity of that sink in for a second...

He seems to be saying that those who are infertile or those who do not intend to have children should also be barred from marriage, but that would require changing the marriage laws again so he is contradicting himself.

He then tries to claim changing the legislation (which would have no effect on his interpretation of his religions current version of marriage) would somehow negatively affect children. When to contrary it is shown that married family’s children are more accepted in our society. He then rambles about children having an absolute right to know their biological parents, which has nothing to do with marriage equality at all. Funny children have that absolute right but if there born gay like I was and might one day want to marry the person they love, then he suddenly doesn’t care too much about their rights.

He seems to think it has been “thousands of years” since 2004, its 2015 now, um that’s very not right.

And apparently we aren’t allowed to end discrimination in Australia because other countries might incorrectly see us as “decadent”, oh seriously, this is beyond ridiculous. 

There is obviously no valid argument against marriage equality, those bigoted and homophobic politicians against equal rights should just resign if they cant do the right thing, and let us pass the laws and move on to other things already.

A good source for information, can be found on this Marriage Equality website.
Seriously it should be one of the first places to go before any politician voices their opinion about equality, might make some of their opinions a little more informed.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Book Review: UFOs Werewolves & The Pig-Man

UFOs Werewolves & The Pig-Man

Exposing Englands Strangest Location 

Channock Chase


Author:                                Lee Brickley
Cover Design:                      David Reeves                          

Publisher:                            Yam Yam Books        

Type:                                    TPB

Pages:                                   126

Genre:                                  Non-Fiction

Published:                           2013

ISBN:                                  9780992603908 (My copy had no ISBN?)

Source:                                Independently purchased 

Anyone with even the remotest interest in the Paranormal or Ufology would have heard some bizarre stories coming out of Cannock Chase in Staffordshire England.

This book is the local author, Lee Brickley’s investigation into the Chase and the strange things that people encounter within.

The book itself is well made, it’s a little on the thin side, and has large type which will be good for those hard of seeing out there. It has a map of the Chase and a few black and white photographs scattered through. There is no index, but there is a list of references, both books and websites.

The book starts off with a brief history of the author and a more in depth history of the area. The use of the term AD instead of CE is unfortunate; in a non-christian work one should really use Before Common Era (BCE) and Common Era (CE). Some replace common with Current, but the initials remain the same.
What is downright offensive is the association between the Pagan Horned God and the Christian devil, they are not the same entity. This inaccuracy makes me suspicious of claims that ‘satanic practices’ took place on the Chase, were they Satanic or merely non-christian?

This may simply be ignorance on the part of the author, he may simply come from a Christian back ground and not even realise the mistakes, he is after all a paranormal investigator not a religious scholar. The Christian viewpoint should be noted when reading though, t doesn’t seem to adversely influence too much of the information.

The mention of the Abbot Bromley Horn Dance, a modern version of an ancient Pagan rite, is one such example, the author mentions “its true beginnings” but does he understand those beginnings are Pagan and not Christian and therefore not satanic?

The history of the place is examined without getting too gratuitous.

Then we move onto Alien encounters, abductions, UFO sightings and an alien ship crash.

We touch on out of place animals like penguins to werewolves, giant serpents and alien big cats.

A whole chapter devoted to the legend of the Pig Man comes next, and it’s quite fascinating.
From here we move onto the more common ghosts and the otherworldly Black Eyes Kids.

The possibility that all these strange events might be happening with a military base underground is examined in some detail.

The conclusion doesn’t just have the authors opinion but he has sourced opinions from various experts in the field; Nick Redfern and Lon Stickler among them.

All in all it’s a good book and an interesting read. It loses some leaves for the use of religious terminology and for the offense to my deity, which I am sure, was unintended.
But it is still a worth addition to any Ufology, Paranormal, or Cryptozoology library. 
The seemingly low score was due to the lack of BCE use, the implication that my religions God is another religions devil and the lack of an index, ignoring those points the book would be about average.

Lee Brickley is a Paranormal/ Cryptozoology investigator and author, he has his own website about Paranormal Channock.