Monday, 30 November 2015

World AIDS Day: 2016

World AIDS Day 2016

World AIDS day is held on 1st December worldwide, it is a day to help inform the community about AIDS and HIV related issues, to support those living with AIDS and HIV and also to remember those who have lost their lives to HIV and AIDS.

To find out what WAD is all about or to see what is happening in your area please visit the World AIDS Day website

If you need more information about HIV, AIDS and STDs in general, ACON would be a good place to start.

It is so important that everyone who has ever had sex, or who has even the slight possibility of having sex knows their status. You can not assume that you are STD free if you are not getting regularly tested, and you can not assume your sexual partner is STD free. 
You GP can arrange for an STD screening, but if you are concerned about privacy, simply go to a GP clinic that is not your regular one. A internet search of sexual health and the name of your town might even find a specialist clinic in your area. 


Monday, 23 November 2015

Book Review: The Voodoo Doll Spellbook

The Voodoo Doll Spellbook

A compendium of ancient and contemporary spells and rituals 


Author:                                Denise Alarado

Publisher:                            Weiser Books       

Type:                                    Soft Cover

Pages:                                   194

Genre:                                  Non-fiction

Published:                            2010

ISBN:                                   978-1-57863-554

Source:                                Independently purchased 

The book is a decent size (9" x 7"), the pages have an off white colour which i quite like. The cover picture is kind of creepy, and goes well with the theme.

 The book devotes eight pages to a detailed contents section, additionally, the resources and bibliography can be found at the back. But there is no index, the extensive contents pages go some way to making up for this, but an index is always a required section for me.

The book gives practical examples of various doll magic with subjects including but not limited to; banishment, breaking a curse, health, protection, revenge, oils, divination, manipulation, binding, prosperity, and even necromancy. I would avoid the death magic, personalty i don't want the homewrecker to get off that easily, he needs to suffer, the way he has made me suffer.

A large percentage of the work covers voodoo practices so don't be surprised to find christian/catholic symbolism, psalms and other Abrahamic concepts.

 The book doesn't just deal with new Orleans voodoo, many poppet or doll magic practices are covered, there are some Irish, Mexican, Greece-Roman, Ancient Egyptian, and even Japanese examples of doll magic..

I would recommend this book to anyone interested in poppet or symbolic doll magics and traditions. While i haven't done any of the individual rituals myself yet, i did use many as inspiration when creating my own. 

Denise Alvarado is the author of Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook, Voodoo dolls in Magick and Ritual, and Hoodoo Almanac 2012, 2013, 2014. 

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Should we call out bigotry?

Bigots, Prejudice and Homophobia.

Should we call out bigotry?

The Australian "christian" lobby are at it again. They are opposing equal rights, trying to limit marriage and being generally hypocritical. We have seen them before; with their outrageous claims of consequences of "changing marriage', more nonsense about "changing Marriage", claiming there are "victims" of marriage, and incredibly claiming they shouldn't be called bigots for being bigoted.

So what happened this time? Well the Greens brought another equal rights bill before parliament. Some opposed the bill. Why? Well, honestly i don't know why any decent person would oppose equal rights. Now i don't know the individuals who opposed this are in fact bigots or homophobic, but isn't the act of opposing a bill that would give gay people equal rights in and of itself, bigoted and homophobic?  So naturally describing them as bigots, prejudiced, or homophobic would fit, wouldn't it? 
That's what someone did. Seems to me he simply accurately
described those displaying bigotry as bigots.

The quotes in bold are actually from the ACL website, link provided if you don't believe me. 
The reply in italic is my opinion on the matter, i always try to be honest and as respectful as i can be to those who want to prevent me from having the same rights as they have.

 “Adam Bandt’s labelling of three parliamentarians ‘bigots’ simply because they are standing up for marriage between one man and one woman is a new low in Australian politics,” Mr Shelton said.

But you see that's the thing isn't it, they are not "standing up for man-woman marriage", if they were they wouldn't be bigots. There is noting wrong with liking man-woman marriage, what is bigoted is opposing marriage equality. Not wanting another group to have the same rights and privileges as you due to their race, religion, sexuality or gender. The bill before parliament in no way canceled, negated or negatively effected man-woman marriage. So if that was the reason for opposing it, they need to vote for it immediately.

 “Changing the definition of marriage will take away freedom of conscience, thought and religion from millions of Australians and it will lead to more children being denied their parents. All Australians must be free to discuss these consequences without fear of being labelled a ‘bigot’,” Mr Shelton said.

First no one is "changing the definition of marriage", we just want to make our marriage laws constitutional and non discriminatory. No, no it really wont take away any such things from any Australians, again its about allowing all Australians to have equal marriage rights, no one loses. I honestly have no idea, "more children being denied their parents", seriously, what the hell is that about? The legal marriage age isn't being changed. Children can only benefit form their same sex parents being treated equally under the law by being married, surely. Marriage is a good thing, why is the ACL seemingly so against marriage and helping children's parents get married? 
That last bit, after he makes so many disingenuous comments, can you imagine if this issue is allowed to go to a plebiscite? 
How can i possibly make this simpler, that's why people label those who spout bigotry as bigots because spouting bigotry is bigoted.
Also i am curious if the ACL was opposed to the changes made by Howard in 2004, which you may remember the "definition of marriage" was changed to block same sex couples from marrying. I have a feeling that the ACL are not advocating we repeal those changes. As that would allow those religions that accept the natural variations in human sexuality to marry their loving couples, somehow i doubt there really concerned about redefining the legal definition of marriage, or freedom of religion for that matter.
Also just quickly the current definition of marriage is unconstitutional as it violates freedom of religion, The laws should not be made to favor any one religion over another, and yet marriage laws have been changed to do so. Anyone for freedom of religion must be for marriage equality or they are probably a hypocrite.

“A law which effectively labels most Muslims, Christians, ethnic Australians and other supporters of man-woman marriage as ‘bigots’ is not the way to unite Australia.”

 The marriage equality bills don't do any such thing. To the best of my knowledge this bill didn't address hate speech, or anti-vilification laws. Though i personally feel we need some, as i can only imagine the damage the ACL could do if it opposes equality coming up to a national vote.
Again supporting man-woman marriage doesn't make you a bigot, but opposing marriage equality does.

 Mr Shelton said the Turnbull Government’s peoples’ vote on marriage to be held after the election should be conducted in a respectful manner where both sides were free to speak without fear.

Respectful...I don't consider the ACL to be respectful at all. I don't have confidence that they can be respectful at all in the future. 
 Look, i have no problem with a group opposing equality, its a bigoted, prejudiced act but if that's their way then fine.  
What i do have a problem with is that these groups never actually seem to honestly address the topic, its always nonsense about religious freedom (that their actually fighting to prevent), or children well being (that their opposition to equality actually endangers), or timeless tradition (since 2004), change is bad (except when it furthers discrimination, like when Howard changed the law), etc.

Its all really very sad, its the same nonsense circular "arguments" over and over again, none of it is really important or even relevant. I really don't understand this kind of film-flam act, where they say bigoted things, but then get upset when someone calls them out on it. 
Also i cant help but imagine what they could do if they turned their efforts to doing good in the world instead of persecuting homosexuals. I mean surely there is good to be done, why not do good?

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Book Review Nature Spirits

The one and only recycled pocket guide to


Wyrd Lore & Wild Fey Magic

Author:                                Danu Forest
Illustration:                         Dan Godfellow

Publisher:                            Wooden Books       

Type:                                    Soft Cover

Pages:                                   58

Genre:                                  Non-fiction

Published:                            2008

ISBN:                                   978 1904268 82 1

Source:                                Independently purchased 

The book itself is a beautiful little thing. Firstly it is quite small, but you would need a big pocket to fit it. The cover is handsome and covered in metallic looking title. The 100% recycled pages have an amazing texture and every other page has a nice black and white illustration. 

The book covers the different types of nature spirits, offerings, Devas, local deity, Faeries, Familiars, guides, shamans, copper, cold iron, second sight, grounding, Elementals, woods, animal spirits, Mananan, and the God and Goddess.

It is a good collection of nature magic and lore, there was noting in there that i wasn't already aware of, but it is good to have all this in one place. I would recommend this more to a beginner, or a young Pagan.

There are a few pages in the back dedicated to an appendix, in very small text, that covers, some basics that i am sure would be appreciated by a newcomer to the path.

The book does well what it sets out to do, my only minor criticism would be that there is more time given to the Goddess then the God, but the He is not entirely excluded and is given almost equal billing, so as i said this is only a very minor point. There may also be some confusion with the title in that some gay Pagans identify as Fey or faerie, and i don't think this book addressed the full scope of natural sexuality at all. Perhaps a quick note on polarity, in the appendix might be useful for readers.


Friday, 6 November 2015

The Gay Homewrecker

Don't be "That Guy"

As regular readers will already know, My boyfriend of (a week off) four years dumped me the day he was due to start moving his stuff into our place. He dumped me for a guy that had been sleazing on him and trying to cause problems for months. It was a horrible experience and left me with trust and confidence issues. 
I know i got off easily though, because my x boyfriend has now put all his trust into "that guy", and doing so can only lead to a world of hurt for him.

The point of this blog, the reason i am sharing this personal and deeply painful event in my life is to address the gay homewreckers. 

We are all members of a persecuted minority. We should have solidarity. We should be looking out for one another. We should be able to trust our partners "friends" not to destroy their existing relationships. 

 For the Homewrecker; Know that a relationship built on lies, manipulation and pain is only doomed to fail, it helps no one in the long run. Imagine having to tell all your family and friends. Imagine introducing your new partner to your parents for the first time;

Your sitting around the dinner table and your mother asks
 "Oh son, how did you boys meet again?" 
You reply proudly; "Well i met my new boyfriend online via a common interest group, i found out he was in a monogamous four year relationship so started to undermine that relationship immediately. I complemented him, messaged him constantly, bought him expensive gifts, and even flowers."
"Oh my!" Your mother says in shock looking into the disgusted faces of your family around the table.
You continue; "I almost didn't manage to seduce him, as they were in the process of moving in together, i knew my window of opportunity was closing so i had to up my emotional blackmail to ridiculous proportions. Luckily my months of conditioning him had payed off and he dumped his loving boyfriend for me, and i have been cheating on him ever since."
Your partner smiles meekly and ignores the wince of pain from the bruises hiding under his makeup as your family avert eye contact, pretending not to notice while wondering secretly how you got so wrong.

Lets keep the home-wrecking out of our community. Find your own man, who will love you for who you really are. If you meet a nice guy and he has a partner, back the hell off! Have some empathy and decency, imagine how you would like it if someone started trying to seduce your partner.

For the seduced partner; As soon as a friend or any other guy does anything inappropriate, lay down the law, explain you are in a monogamous relationship and ask the homewrecker to respect you, your partner and your relationship. Go ahead give them three chances but after they blow the third, let them go.
Remember the homewrecker hurt your partner, he ruined your relationship and had no respect for your relationship, can you really trust he will have any respect for the relationship you have with him? Once a homewrecker with no respect or boundaries s always a homewrecker with no respect or boundaries.
Conversely if your actually interested in a new guy, break up with your partner first, do not set up a new relationship while your with someone else. If you ever cared for your partner do not cheat, emotionally or physically.

For the hurt partner; I don't know what to say to you. The homewrecker is the lowest of the low, you are the better person. Your partner is a fool, he should have treated you better. Know that if your partner had not fallen for this sleaze now, he might have fallen for anothers bullshit later on in your relationship, when you could own property together, be married, have children. Know its not your fault.

I personally have learned a lesson from my experience, if i ever allow myself to love again. I shall not fully trust my partner, i will check his phone often, i will spontaneously call and see what he is doing. 
The sleaze that broke up my relationship was pretty obvious, and i did discuss my concerns with my partner, but i know now i should have demanded my boyfriend break contact with the homewrecker when i first noticed the inappropriate behavior.
There is a line between suspicious, jealous boyfriend and used doormat and from now on i would walk a lot closer to the suspicious side. I have been way too understanding, trusting and easy going, i now believe a little suspicion and mistrust might be a good thing.

 Please gay guys, don't be a homewrecker, don't be "that guy".

If you feel down or just need someone to talk to please check out the links below:

Mensline: offers a 24/7 support and information service on
1300 78 99 78.

Beyondblue: Provide a support service on 1300 22 4636.

Lifeline offers support on  13 11 14 and also appear to have a live chat option on their site.

For non Australian readers, please find help in your area. 

Monday, 2 November 2015

Ban Animal Cruelty

The Melbourne Cup

The Race That Shocks A Nation


If you think horse racing isn't animal cruelty you have not been paying attention, and i would expect you would want to properly educate yourself on the issue. That is what this post is about, i am simply going to provide links to resources so that you can educate yourself or a misguided race enthusiast.


Animals Australia has great accurate information and has links to hep you take action against the cruelty of horse racing. 

Animals Australia Unleashed has some great alternative to cup day activities. 

 The Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses has a lot of information on their site. No one should go to, watch, bet on or endorse any horse racing without checking it out.

Of course PETA and PETA Australia are as always a valuable resource when it comes to standing up against animal cruelty.

A time to admire and appreciate horses not be cruel to them.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

World Vegan Month 2015

Happy World Vegan Month

Since 1994 World Vegan Day has been celebrated and used as an opportunity to educate about Veganism.
 Monkey Bread - Sweet Vegan - Emily Mainquist

I am not going to go into why we should all be moving towards a vegan diet, the reasons are obvious and the excuses against are ridiculous.

 Rich Mushroom Lasagne - Easy Vegan - Sue Quinn
I am just going to take this opertunity to suggest that you see what your town is doing for World Vegan Month and maybe participate in some way.

 Triple Chocolate Cheescake - Sweet Vegan - Emily Mainquist

At the very least why not pick up a Vegan cook book, or search the internet for some vegan recipes. Your health, your conscience, the planet and most of all the animals will be better off you did.

 Buckwheat & Blueberry Pancakes - Easy Vegan - Sue Quinn

Why not have a vegan night at your house? If Veganism for one night a week is a bit too scary, I would recommend simply going Vegetarian and progressing from there.

Seriously that cheesecake is the best cheesecake i have ever had, friends and family have difficulty believing that its homemade let alone vegan.