Tuesday 1 March 2016

Are Safe Schools a bad thing?

Bigots Attack Children

The bigots are at it again, it seems the mardi gras  upsets the bigots and puts them into full hate mode. If only they would educate themselves or seek professional mental help. But alas we have public displays of homophobia and bigotry.

First we had the hate group calling themselves the The Australian "Christian" Lobby demanding that they and other homophobes be exempt from anti-discrimination laws, in the lead up to a plebiscite on equal marriage rights. 

Seriously if you need to worry about your message vilifying others, maybe you should examine that message. Instead of enabling these hateful bigots, i believe that we should strictly enforce our hate speech and anti discrimination laws during this time. We need to protect LGBTI people, families and youth, from these hate groups and the negative effects they have on our society.

 Imagine what the Australia "Christian" Lobby could do if they devoted their energy to good instead of evil...

 Then we have Cori Bernardi a well know homophobe who joined the Australian "christian" Lobby in its attacks on the Safe schools program. Remarkably our Prime minister bowed to this known bigot and put the program under review. 

One would hope that the only logical outcome of a review would be that the program becomes compulsory for all students in all schools.

 This program was designed to help stop bullying in schools, as LGBTI youth are more likely to attempt suicide due to the homophobia they encounter. These people are fighting against this program. How many of them call themselves "pro-life" when they are clearly not pro (LGBTI youth) life.

Speaking for myself, i grew up in a small town public school. I imagine if there was a program like this back then, maybe i wouldn't have been bullied by the faculty into leaving school in year 11 after being denied my year 10 certificate. Perhaps the faculty wouldn't have been so homophobic, perhaps i would have fought harder to get my year 10 certificate.  Maybe i wouldn't have faced years of depression if homophobia wasn't so prevalent?

 But it isn't just Cori Bernardi (Has not been disciplined and is still a minister) and the Australian "Christian" Lobby (Now lead by Lyle Shelton, has not been outlawed, or charged) attacking our youth, Tony Abbott (Nullified marriages in the Australian Capital Territory that were between same sex couples), John Howard (Changed marriage act to exclude gay people, without a plebiscite, making the law unconstitutional), George Christensen (Disgustingly accused the safe school program of pedophile grooming among other nonsense claims. He is still a minister and has not been disciplined or charged), Eric Abetz (Who, while clearly homophobic, just seems confused and out of touch with reality in my opinion.). If any of these people are your government representatives, why not contact them and let them know their views are abhorrent.

Of course they have hit back against being labeled bigots and homophobes. But they need to understand it isn't "name calling" to call a spade a spade, if you don't like the label that fits you, change your views so that you no longer fit that label.

 I really do wish they would "think of the children" before spreading such hate, before attacking a program that reduces youth suicide. Their actions have real world consequences in our society, and in our schools. I wish they would understand they have a responsibility, if in a position of power or influence, to educate themselves, and to do the most good they can.

 I think this should show our Prime Minister that some in our community are not mature or do not have the common sense to act responsibly in the lead up to a plebiscite on equal rights.
The harm such groups could cause truly worries me.

If you would like to help keep our schools safe for all students please sigh the petition.

If you are upset, negatively effected by homophobia, or are yourself homophobic, please seek help.
Beyond Blue should be able to help or get you into contact with someone who can.

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