Tuesday 24 January 2017

Dishonoring the Australian flag.

Dishonoring the Australian flag.


 In the lead up to Australia day,  George Christensen the homophobic and child hating Liberal senator has introduced a bill into parliament in order to make burning the Australian flag illegal. It should be noted here that the bill relates to the Australian National Flag and the Australian Red Ensign flag. It does not effect the treatment of the Aboriginal flag or the LGBT flag strangely enough...
 Some claim that people fought and died for the flag, this is admittedly an 'alternative fact', which actually means its a lie. People don't fight for a flag, they fight for the ideals it symbolises. Ideals like freedom to protest, freedom of religion, our constitution, equality and a fair go for all, and sticking up for the underdog.

 As you may be aware bigots and Australian terrorists have draped themselves in the Australian flag. They have succeeded in making our flag a symbol of hate and fear. They may have desecrated the flag beyond all hope of salvation.

 Knowing that, if burning the flag is an act against hate crimes, oppression, racism, bigotry, homophobia, religious intolerance, and terrorism, is that act really a bad thing?

  Again the problem is what the flag has come to symbolise, not what is done to the flag in protest of that symbolism. If we are not going to police what the flag stands for, is it time for a new Australian flag?

  After taking a look at the bill it seems Christensen might be working against his own interests here. The bill actually includes the terms; 

  'Dishonoring the flag with intent to offend, insult or intimidate any group of people would be illegal'

 He doesn't seem like the most informed or reasoned person so he probably doesn't realise that the hate speech he and those like him spout about non-Christians, LGBT Australians and children could never be spoken anywhere near a flag again without legal repercussions. 

 The terrorists and racists who don the flag would have to be arrested on the spot.

 Pauline Hanson would have to be very careful with her many media appearances, she has a history of using the Australian flag and its difficult to find a speech where she didn't intentionally offend, or insult some group for political gain. 

 Obviously police numbers would have to be increased just to arrest and charge right wing politicians.

 While it would be good to see fear mongering, child bullying, racist, science denying, sexist, homophobic, bigots out of politics and in prison. 

 I am sure if this was not a right wing bill it would be called "political correctness" gone mad, and the alt-right would moan that people shouldn't be charged for hurting the delicate feelings of the triggered special snowflakes. But such arguments are only used by the right when they disagree with something.


 I honestly don't know how i feel about this bill, if it is implemented justly it could do some good, but i fear it would only be enforced when it serves the current right wing governments agenda.

 Perhaps its a little late for this bill, or perhaps the burning of the flag part should be removed.

What do you think? What does the flag symbolise to you now? What do you feel it should symbolise? Do we need a new flag? Is Christensen's bill a good idea, would you change anything in it?


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