Thursday, 13 July 2017

Preventing Youth Suicide or not

Preventing youth Suicide or not:

 The safe schools program is a program set up to end school bullying and help prevent youth suicide. Homophobic bigots do not like the program as it helps LGBTQ kids survive into adulthood. It was revealed that NSW (New South Wales) would not be refunding the program. To which failed Prime Minister and admitted homophobe Tony Abbot proclaimed the scrapping was a good decision. This comes after the right had repeatedly made false claims about the program and disliked its factually accurate material which triggered the sensitive bigotry of right wingers. This program seems to be being "replaced" in NSW by one that does not address the higher rates of suicide or self harm in young LGBT people due to homophobia.
 In SA (south Australia) the life saving program will be replaced by the Shine SA program. It seems the "replacement" programs implementation is a farce, its opt-in, and if the vitriol we have seen leveled at Safe Schools showed us anything its that such a program should be mandatory in all schools. This plan would see the community's that are the most homophobic exempt from the anti bullying program?!? 
 The program will also require teachers to gain parental consent before stepping in and preventing bullying or offering help to vulnerable LGBTQ students. This in itself could be disastrous! The outing of young LGBT students to their parents could lead to abuse at home in addition to the abuse they are suffering at schools, t could also lead to higher rates of youth homelessness. 
 We can only hope these governments get voted out before too many lives are lost, so we can at least make a decent attempt to make our schools safe and help LGBTQ kids survive their school years.

SHine SA 

 You may not be able to find help at school or at home but there is help out there;

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