Monday 24 August 2015

The slaying of Cecil was tragic, lets do something.

A coward and a lion

If the world needed another reason for strict gun laws they got one with Walter Palmer, the American dentist who killed the Cecil the lion.

It is said that the guides Walter hired to enable him to kill a lion, dragged a carcass behind their car in order to lead Cecil out of the safety of the national park. Cecil was then shot with a bow and hounded for 40 hours before being shot dead. It didn't end there for Cecil, he was skinned and beheaded.  

Cecil was well known in the park and even wore a tracking collar as he was part of a  Wildlife Conservation Research project from Oxford University. He was relatively tame and had little fear of humans, allowing them to approach and photograph him often.

Walter Palmer  a Minnesota dentist claimed he didn't realise the "hunt" was illegal. If that is true then it is truly frightening that someone of such low perceptive ability, intelligence or common sense, could have access to firearms.

But Walter Palmer is a repeat offender, he has killed many wild animals, some of which i have used pictures of in this blog. It has been revealed that Walter Palmer illegally killed a black bear in 2009, pleaded and was let off with a slap on the wrist, and somehow was still allowed to use firearms.

The other poaches who participated in killing Cecil have been prosecuted, and i have read that Walter Palmer may face extradition. He has a lot of money though so he may be able to buy his way out of it, we have too keep an eye on this, to ensure justice is done.

Sadly due to the Death of Cecil one of his cubs has been killed by a new pride leader. We hope this death is added to Walter Palmer's charges.

On a personal note, i would like you to remember how you felt about this story, about the callous and unnecessary killing of Cecil. Because that is how some vegetarians and vegans feel about all animals. So next time you see someone vilifying, teasing, being aggressive to someone who chooses not to kill animals needlessly, please remember that we are not that much different, and stand up for them.

Vegans and vegetarians get abuse all the time, simply because we choose not to be cruel to animals, if your one of the people that do this, stop, its not funny, (we have probably heard it before) and its not going to make you feel any better about your actions.

If the tragic death of Cecil touched you, why not do something to make you feel beter;

Adopt a lion

Help get better gun laws 

Stop animal cruelty in Australia

Stop animal cruelty (International)

Go Vegetarian

Go Vegan

If you know of an Australian anti-gun violence group, or any other organisation you feel should be listed here please let me know.

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