Wednesday 20 July 2016

Bigot Point: Political Correctness

Bigot Point: Political Correctness

 I have really only ever experienced this term used when someone defends a minority or discriminated party with that action of defense being dismissed as mere political correctness (or PC).
 The term political correctness is often used by some as a pejorative to shut down opposition to their offensive behavior.
But what exactly does the term mean?

 The avoidance of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.

 So political correctness is basically being polite and not discriminating against or vilifying those who are already being vilified or discriminated against.
 In other words political correctness is not laying the boot in when someone is already on the ground bleeding. 

 What kind of monster would proudly proclaim that they were not politically correct?
 If you take a look at those who oppose "political correctness' it wont be long until you see some racist, sexist, homophobic or generally just bigoted views.
 Growing up i just heard the term political correct and assumed it meant to be aligned with the current government or something. Of course later after seeing the term used to silence the cry's of the oppressed i came to think of it as merely a term used by bigots to try to make illegitimate valid criticism of their behavior. I still never really liked the term political correctness and never wore it so to speak.

 But it is only that some are saying marriage equality is political correctness, that i actually looked up what the term meant. 
 I suppose the current marriage laws do exclude and marginalize a discriminated and often insulted group of people so marriage equality could be considered politically correct. But its far more truthful to say marriage equality is just fair and equal treatment of Australians. 

 I was at this party one night and i got motioned over to a conversation between this burly biker type and a few others. The person who motioned me over said something like 
"Dropbear might have an interesting perspective on this'
So burly biker looks at me and says; "Them gays they want to force schools into not saying mother and father, its political correctness garbage!"
 Now i hadn't actually heard of the story, but could imagine it was probably about a same sex couple asking a teacher to say parent or guardians so there kid wasn't excluded. I replied:
"I didn't get the memo, but i don't see a problem with teachers saying parents or guardians, it makes sense as not every child has a mother and father."
 He interrupted saying "We shouldn't change things just for the gays. That instead schools should be forced to say mother and father"
 I continued "Well its not just for gay parents, there are single parent family's, there are adopted children, blended family's, and children with guardians like i had.
Its only a minor change to wording, so why not do it if little billy doesn't have to be reminded of his dead mother every time the teacher tells the kids to get their mother and father to do something, it doesn't hurt anyone to be inclusive."
 He looked puzzled and looked around the group of people, it was pretty clear common sense had prevailed with them, he looked down a bit and said "i hadn't thought of it that way, the radio made it sound different."
 I sympathized saying something like "They sure do like to stir the pot."

 In any event being politically correct isn't a bad thing, its basically not being a bad person, but i still think the term is an unnecessary insult word used by those who don't want the facts to get in the way of their mistreatment of others. 
 If you are guilty of using this term in an attempt to stifle criticism of your opinion, maybe actually listen to the person instead. They may have knowledge you don't possess. If instead of trying to shut them down, you make a valid argument  you could convince them that you are right, try it, because everyone likes to be correct.

 So i still wont be wearing a PC badge any time soon. However next time someone trys to insult me by calling me politically correct, i may just say;
"Thank you, i do try to be a decent human being."

This is an interesting site: Religious Tolerance

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