Monday 18 July 2016

Fair Dink'um: Murrandoo Yanner

Fair Dink'um 

 Murrandoo Yanner

 You have to admire the true Australian spirit of those who stand up for the little guy, who defend the underdog and say it like it is.

 Pauline Hanson a professional politician from the One Nation party. One Nation has racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, and unconstitutional policy. Hanson herself has a long history of racism towards Aboriginal Australians, Asians and her latest target are Muslims.  She has been consistently prejudiced against LGBT Australians.
 She is popular among 'low information' voters who see her calculated fear mongering and oversimplified "solutions" as common sense.

 Pauline Hanson recently took a film crew unannounced to an Aboriginal art exhibit presumably to try to fool gullible people into thinking she was not racist. 

 Murrandoo Yanner is an Aboriginal community leader who defended his people and common decency by saying what most Australians are thinking. He was having none of her nonsense and colorfully told her where to go saying:

'-You picked on Aboriginal people. 
Now you are kicking the Muslims around, you are just a racist redneck with your red hair,
Go away, go back to Ipswich and your fish and chip shop, you're disgraceful, you are intellectually dishonest and you are not welcome here.'

 Unfortunately only part of the exchange was caught on camera. But we see Mr Yanner defend his people and then go on to defend Australians freedoms. As Hanson walked away not wanting to publicly address her behavior the crowd applauded Mr Yammer. 
 Perhaps she didn't expect Aboriginal people to be there or didn't expect to be called out on her past behavior, in any event she couldn't get out of there fast enough. 
 If i truly believed Hanson was just ignorant i would hope that this episode might show her how her abuse effects real people. But I don't think she is just ignorant, she has had many years to educate herself and to see how her abuse effects people, yet she seems to continue to offer scapegoats and illogical over simplified 'solutions' to 'problems' she herself often exasperates.
  Sadly we will see other racists try to twist this around and defend her racism. But i have an admittedly naive hope that some of her followers may see this and actually look into her past racism and realise discrimination and prejudice is not the answer.

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