Saturday 23 May 2015

Marriage Equality Ireland

Ireland says yes to equality

Ireland had a non-compulsory referendum on Marriage equality on the 23/05/2015. The votes were counted and Ireland voted for equality. They are the first nation to grant equal marriage rights through a referendum.

 The vote (at this time) was 62.07% for equality and 37.93% for continued bigotry. It should be noted that in Australia we do not require a referendum.

I take this opportunity to thank all those who fought for this decision, i thank the people of Ireland for there stance one equal civil rights.

 Here in Australia it gives us hope, that one day those born gay may have the same rights as those born straight. I might just quash some silly points bigots make here to get them out of the way;

  • If you don't want gay people to have equal rights you are a bigot (A person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc. A person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group) and a homophobe (A person who hates or is afraid of homosexuals or treats them badly).
  • Your religion is not a valid reason to take another persons civil rights away, your religion should govern how you behave. You would think it unfair if you were denied civil rights because someones other religion was against you for some reason.
  • In the Australian constitution it expressly forbids laws made on the basis of religion. The current laws are unconstitutional.
  • Most gods and goddesses throughout time have actually accepted homosexuality as an expression of natural human sexuality. At the moment in Australia one religions influence over our laws has overridden the ability of other religions to perform their own sacred marriages.
  • Marriage has not been static through history. The word and the notion is not owned by, or particular to any one religion. In fact in Australia the term Marriage is a legal definition. In Australia the term and meaning of Marriage was changed as recently as 2004 when the Howard government redefined it. In 2013 the Abbot government further redefined Marriage to disallow Marriage equality in the ACT (Australian Capital Territory).
  • Homosexuality is natural, it has been with us since time begun. There has not been any animal studied (that has male/female genders) that does not naturally exhibit homosexuality. 
  •  If Marriage is only about procreation for you, you would be spending an equal amount of time and energy opposing the marriages of; infertile couples (perhaps mandatory fertility checks before marriage), older couples, couples with no inclination to have children, etc. Is it should also be noted the Australian law does not require married couples to be fertile.Also that view (and any other) would be for you and should define your marriage, not everyone else's.
  • The change to equality will not effect you in any meaningful way, unless you choose to come out, date, meet the person of your dreams, fall in love and chooses to get married.
  • Being homosexual was not a choice for me, so stop saying it was. If you personally have equal attraction for both genders and choose only to act upon those for the opposite sex, that makes you bisexual not heterosexual.

    If you are against Marriage equality for some reason and want to be a better person by letting go of the irrational hate, there is a world of information at your fingertips. In this day and age ignorance of the facts is really no excuse. I would start my journey to inner peace at the Australian Marriage Equality.Org website. They will be much kinder to your intolerance than i have been above.

    So now Ireland is more socially advanced and has more common sense than Australia...

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