Thursday 28 May 2015

We dont need no referendum

 Lambie calls for referendum

Tasmanian Senator Jacqui Lambie formerly of the Palmer united party (PUP) has called for a referendum in Australia over marriage equality, further saying the vote would and should fail.
In the statement she admitted her homophobia saying she was opposed to equality. 
Its difficult to talk about Lambie, i think she does care and think she is trying to do what she sees as right, but she doesn't bother to actually research a topic before going off, and she seems to lack the ability to empathise. 
Though in this day, there is no excuse for ignorance, and if your in parliament you have a responsibility to know what your talking about. So i give you my opinions on  Lambie...

Lambie has been seen as bigoted and hypocritical by most Australians. Her embarrassing statements range from topics as, Aboriginals, invasion by Chinese communists, banning religious practice, using a policewoman in full 'burqa' in a meme to try to ban the burqa for security reasons, opposing equal rights, one day defending our constitution the next day opposing it, demanding forced military service, terrorists would contract Ebola to infect Australians, i cant list all her controversial statements, it would take way too long. I am sure you get the idea.

The thing is we dont need a referendum in Australia, all we need is for Politicians do do the right thing and vote for equal rights in parliament. A referendum would be expensive and utterly useless. She should know that, she is a politition, i am not.

She claimed;  "To me it’s [marriage is] a sacred religious tradition."
Thats great and all but the issue isnt how different religions (as no one religion owns marriage) view marriage, we are talking about the legal definition of marriage, so from a religious perspective, as going by our constitution, the law has to be 'neutral' to religion, we must have marriage equality. As for traditional, the christian definition (which again isnt even relevent to the discussion) is not static and has changed considerably. 
The legal definition of marriage was changed in 2004 to its current unconstitutional bigoted and homophobic state, that's not a very long tradition. 

This is the same woman who fights vehemently against another religions laws being practiced in Australia. Now i am all for separation of church and state, but all church from all state.
It can generally be said the Lambie does not represent me, or most Australians.

The current marriage laws discriminates against all those religions that accept the natural variations of human sexuality. They need to be changed, all in parliament should be demanding equality for all Australians.

As we would say back on the farm,we might say too Lambie;

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