The Old Magic of Christmas
Yuletide traditions for the darkest days of the year
Artist: Ellen Lawson
Type: Soft Cover
Pages: 248
Genre: non-fiction
Published: 2014
ISBN: 978-0-7387-3334-0
Source: Independently purchased The book is a nice size seems well made and has a smattering of black and white illustrations. It will stand about 8 inches tall on the shelf, is 5 1/2 inches deep and almost an inch thick.
Don't be put off by the introduction, for while it does seem to pander slightly to christian sensibility's, it in no way alienates Pagan readers.
While the term christmas is used thought, it is clear that the subject of the book is not the December holiday but the winter solstice commonly known as Yule.
Subjects addressed include Goddesses, witches, elves, spirits, The Krampus, ghosts, werewolves, The Mari Llwyd, Saints, The Wild Hunt, vampires and The Julbock.
There are interesting crafts and recipes to make through the book. Though the main focus is on the history, folklore and mythology's of Yule.
There is a long and through examination of the herbs associated with the season, as well as notes, calendar, glossary index, and bibliography.
Bonus points are given for using the correct CE, BCE terms.
The only thing that would have made this book better would be color pictures, and maybe replacing the term christmas with Yule or winter.