Monday 30 May 2016

BIGOT POINT: Children need both a biological Mother and Father.


Children need both a biological Mother and Father.

 This is an interesting one and i have heard it by some otherwise rational people. While on the surface such a statement might seam almost reasonable, personally this argument makes me sick, and it gives me great pleasure to debunk it. 
First lets look at what this argument is actually arguing against.

Those bigots using this argument are against:

* Same sex couples who are already raising children.
* Those who are caring enough to adopt a child.
* Those who choose to look after foster care children.
* Those who raise children from their partners former relationship,whether the need arises through separation, death or unfitness of the biological parent.
* Relatives who raise children because the parents are unable to do so for whatever reason.
* Single parents.

 As you can see when you actually examine their argument, its rather shocking. These people think children are better off on the street then in caring homes. I hope they never gain the power to remove these children from their homes.

 Then we have to consider that some biological parents are not fit to raise children. biological parents can unfortunately mutilate, neglect, indoctrinate, molest and abuse their own children. 
 Do these bigots really think that children are better off in that kind of environment then if they were adopted by a couple who really wants to care for the child or raised  by a single parent?
 I would hope not, but that is their argument. I would also hope they would put aside their prejudices if they were in a position to choose what environment a child was raised in.

 Their argument also neglects the fact that single people and gay couples often have extended family's of both sexes. Thankfully not all family's would turn their back on a single parent or same sex couple who are raising a child. Meaning the child will have both male and female influences.

 In the case of surrogacy, the birth mother, or sperm donor (are their better words for these amazing people?) who help a same-sex couple (or even a straight couple) often have an important place within this extended family.

 Further independent studies have repeatedly shown that same-sex couples are equal to or in some cases even better parents than their straight counterparts. I think this is probably because for same sex couples having a child is almost always a choice, and often a difficult path. So the decision is not made lightly.

 Some bigots will argue that the child of a same-sex couple will be bullied. The irony of this is mind blowing as it is people like those who make this argument raising bigoted children that do this kind of bullying. Surely the answer is to educate children and stop the bullying, to protect the children from bullying.

 There is also the fact that not all same-sex couples ever want to have children. The desire to have children is not and never has been a prerequisite to marriage eligibility in Australia (I am aware that some bigots argue it is, but ill go into that nonsense in another post).

 How could i forget the ridiculous spin off argument that same-sex parents would create gay children. This is so stupid its difficult to address, ill just say that most LGBT people are born from and raised by straight people.

  I would argue that instead of children needing both a biological mother and father, that children are better off with one or more adults who care about them. No one is depriving these children of anything, they are being gifted with a home that truly cares for them.

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