Thursday, 30 June 2016

Its trash day: Pauline Hanson

Its trash day:

Pauline Hanson

 Anyone who has even a passing interest in Australian politics would know who Pauline Hanson is and the outrageously unintelligent things she has said.

 She and her far right political party called One Nation, is well know for her dislike of multiculturalism and disdain for refugees.

 Pauline's political party has called for gays to be bashed and she herself has said many homophobic things.

 She doesn't appear to like science very much and her prejudice has lead to her disliking the idea of LGBT people providing safe and caring homes for children.

 Her views could well be argued to be both undemocratic and unconstitutional.

She is well known for her racist views against Asians.

  And her views on Australian Aboriginals are seen by most decent folk to be racist.


 Pauline is also very against Muslims but due to her ignorance i am not even sure she knows what she is talking about. I think (Its apparently disputed) being Muslim means you follow the religion of Islam, So her views on Muslims (alone) don't make her racist, they make her an Islamophobic bigot who happens to coincidentally be a homophobic racist.

 But given all that it is her video directly after the Orlando hate crime terror attack that has really upset common sense Australians. In this video she blames Muslims and Isil (Daesh) for the homophobic attack. She does not mention the victims were gay, she does not mention that it was at a gay club, that it took place during pride.   Worst of all she blames Islam alone and not Homophobia, she doesn't even mention homophobia. 
 The cause of this hate crime was homophobia, Islam is just another excuse that some bigots use to justify their existing homophobia. Dealing with homophobia will help eliminate all hate crimes no matter what the excuse or attempted justification.
 But of course Pauline cant really admit that homophobia is the problem because she herself is an advocate for homophobia. 

 Instead she uses the deaths of a group of people that she herself has vilified for her own political gain. That is why she is rubbish!

Don't forget Malcolm Turnbull has declared that Australia now has zero tolerance for homophobia. He claims that homophobia is to be condemned everywhere, and yet Pauline Hanson and her One Nation party continue. 
 Just looking at the One Nation website they still to this day incorrectly claim marriage equality will allow children as young as nine to marry, they claim making the laws secular and constitutional will somehow lead to Islamic law in Australia.  
 They are for a referendum or plebiscite which is costly, will have negative effects on LGBT people and is unnecessary. They want this vote to only pass if all states and territorys have a majority yes vote. 
 They try to use the constitution that says our politicians can change the marriage laws (as Howard did in 2004) as a reason that politicians can not change the marriage laws. They fail to mention that the current marriage laws are unconstitutional. 
 They rant on and on about how politicians shouldn't have the right to do the job we elected them for, and call marriage equality 'clap trap'. 

  Have some fun with Pauline Hanson and please share your fun with me on social media.

Just to alleviate any concerns i am citing my sources, but i will just give the links under rough headings where applicable. I am really just saving those interested a google search.



                                                            The Australian Constitution

Homophobia, Islamophobia, Racism

A new website has arisen and has taken on the herculean task of going through One Nations policy's and fact checking them, check out FactCheckOneNation.

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Review: The Night Parade of One Hundred Demons

The Night Parade of One Hundred Demons 

A field guide to Japanese Yokai


Author:                               Matthew Meyer

Publisher:                            Self Published (Kickstarter)
Type:                                    Soft Cover
Pages:                                   219
Genre:                                  non-fiction
Published:                            2012
ISBN:                                   13-978-0-9852184-0-9

 This book has an aged hardcover look to the cover but is indeed softcover. The black writing on the dark cover makes the title difficult to read at a glance. The book itself is ten inches tall, seven inches wide and a little over half an inch thick.
 The pages inside look aged and this makes the book look very cool. Every other page is a amazing full colour picture of the Yokai in question. The other page being a short description of the Yokai.

 Every description has the Yokai's name, its English translation, some alternative names that the Yokai goes by, its habitat and diet. Then there is a description of the Yokai divided into Appearance, behavior, interactions, origin and legends headings.While you may be able to find the information on the Yokai from many sources the authors artwork is truly beautiful.

 And sadly it is in the descriptions that this work is let down, there are so many grammar issues within this book that i honestly feel i paid too much for it. It felt like it had not been proof read or had perhaps gone through a last minute auto-edit that messed with the context of many sentences. It is readable but if your a real stickler for grammar this might not be the book for you. It is a real shame because this book looks great and the art is fantastic.

 The back of the book has references, bibliography and an index (which gives incorrect page numbers), its also where i discovered that this book was produced via kickstarter crowdfunding. I was not aware of this when i purchased it and also hadn't seen any reviews describing the extent of the grammatical errors. However i also haven't seen a book on Yokai (in English) that is as beautifully illustrated.

 I really want to love this book, it is a good reference, even just for the illustrations, but is let down by the grammar errors and the exorbitant price i paid for my copy.
 I would recommend this book for those interested in the Paranormal, Cryptozoological, or mythological if you are not too concerned with grammar and if you can find it at a reasonable price.
 Also note that my only copy is the 2012 edition, and that there was a revised edition released in 2015 that may address the grammar issues. If you have an updated copy please feel free to comment and let us know.

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Bigot Point: "Gay marriage leads to bestiality."

Bigot Point: 

"Gay marriage leads to bestiality."

 Some creepy people have tried to link homosexuality with bestiality, when there is in reality no link between the two. 
 With homosexuality being naturally exhibited in about 10% of humanity, we can extrapolate that the number of homosexuals who exhibit Zoophilia
would be far less then the number of heterosexuals that do. 
 So if those arguing against allowing marriage equality (due to a fear of animal-human marriage) were serious they would be arguing for same sex marriage and trying to outlaw heterosexual marriage as heterosexuals would be more likely to suffer from zoophilia.
 But they are not because its clear those saying this kind of hate speech are only interested in spreading homophobia.

Zoophilia: Sexual fixation on  animals
Bestiality: Sexual acts with animals.
For this post when i write animals i am referring to non-human animals.

 But this argument is even worse as none of the marriage equality legislation has even hinted at allowing human-animal marriage. Of course none of the bills have even mentioned decriminalizing bestiality. The reason for this is that allowing same sex couples equal rights is a completely different issue.  

 Again this point is made to simply vilify gay people, to try to associate their desire to have equal rights with something that is seen as wrong by our society. As those seeking to deny marriage equality have to stretch this far , it shows that there really are no valid arguments against marriage equality.

 I see nothing wrong with the legal definition of marriage being the union of two* consenting adults.  
 As soon as anyone tries to argue that we don't need the participants to be consenting (and adult) i (and i hope most Australians) would have a serious problem with that. 
  * The number of consenting adults allowed in any given marriage is a completely different point.

 If the government ever tries to make human-animal marriage legal i will oppose that, as the animal can not consent. But there is no reason why we should oppose equal rights to gay people, lets address one issue at a time, lets not try to muddy the waters with fear-mongering nonsense. 

 If someone is trying to use this argument against marriage equality, you would be better served finding someone who is more honest and actually knows what they are talking about.
 Remember hate speech and vilification of gays is homophobia and homophobia leads to hate crimes.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Its trash day: Scott Morrison

Its trash day:

Scott Morrison

 Scott Morrison (ScoMo) is a Liberal party (far right wing extremist) politician. 

 He was Australia's immigration minister for a time and was often criticized for his draconian treatment of refuges. 

 His actions during this time were believed by many to violate the Refugee Convention. His seemingly indefinite imprisonment of child refuges was seen my many to be unconscionable.

 In an astounding move Scot Morrison was not held accountable for his actions but instead the welfare of vulnerable Australians was placed in his hands as he became Minister for Social Services. Later he would be rewarded with the role of Treasurer which he still amazingly holds today.

You may remember that ScoMo attended the ACL gay-hate rally, and said he respected their horrific homophobic views. 

  Now in a show of complete ignorance of the issues facing LGBT Australians he has claimed he knows how the LGBT community feels because he has faced similar bigotry. 

  A straight, christian, white, wealthy male, claiming to know how homophobia feels, claiming to have suffered hate speech. It is disgusting that he can hold such a position in our government and seemingly not have a shred of empathy.

 No Scott Morrison doesn't face the same bigotry, he has the right to marry, he can safely show affection to his partner without the fear of being bashed or murdered. He has no fear of letting slip his partners gender as it wont negatively effect how companies, employers or acquaintances treat him.  
  He certainly doesn't have organizations whose sole purpose is to lobby against him having equal rights. He doesn't have politicians arguing that he shouldn't have the same rights as them. 
 He cant know the fear that some homophobe with a gun will go into his local ScMo pub and murder 49 ScoMos. 
 He has no idea how it feels to face such bigotry. That he claims to shows that he is incredibly out of touch with the effects of the bigotry that he himself promotes.

 Malcolm Turnbull claims that Australia now has zero tolerance for homophobia, and yet Scott Morrison remains Treasurer. He claimed that the 'debate' leading up to a plebiscite allowing gay people equal rights would be respectful, despite the escalating examples of disrespect, vilification and hate speech against the vulnerable LGBT community..

 Here is a link that will help you contact Scott Morrison and respectfully ask him to educate himself or politely ask him to step down.
Contact ScoMo

Even if you think ScoMo has faced 'discrimination' due to his actions, there is still one major difference. He chooses how he treats others, while homosexuals are born homosexual.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Book Review: The Resurrectionist

Book Review:

The Resurrectionist

The lost work of Dr. Spencer Black

Author:                                E.B.Hudspeth

Publisher:                            Quirk Books
Type:                                    Hard Cover
Pages:                                   191
Genre:                                  Novella / Art book
Published:                            2013
ISBN:                                   978-1-59474-616-1

 The book is well made and i didn't notice any errors. There are black and white drawings throughout, in fact the majority of the book is taken up by anatomical studies.

 The first part of the book is The Resurrectionist (pages 11-65) proper a story involves one Dr. Spencer Black and his biography. Who believed that beings from mythology were in fact real advances in human evolution.

 The second part of the book is titled The Codex Extinct Animalia, (pages 66-191) which has a short description of a 'mythological' species and a few pages of detailed anatomical drawings.

The story itself almost seems a little lovecraftian.

 The book is not a novel and is a little short on story. But i do not think that's what it was aiming for. This book is a curiosity. It would be interesting for those interested in Cryptozology, mythology or anatomy.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Bigot Point: "Marriage is about procreation."

Bigot Point: "Marriage is about procreation."

 Some bigots want to argue that marriage is about creating children and not about love. 

 This argument implies that marriage is currently about procreation and that marriage equality will change that. The thing is the current marriage laws in Australia are not about procreation at all, there is no fertility test before you are allowed to marry, there is no contract requiring the creation of children. Those saying this as an excuse to deny equal rights are lying and sowing discord. 

 Worse still they are spreading homophobia that leads to the kind of violence we experienced in the Orlando homophobic terror attacks. We all must stand up against these bigots that support such terrorism.
 Even if you agree with these bigots, to hold these barbaric opinions, there is no valid reason we should be enforcing there discriminatory views in our laws.

 Bigots arguing this are saying that they want to prevent marriage by those who do not want to or are incapable of producing children. One would assume that those who are "too old" to safely have children would be included in this ban.

Malcolm Turnbull has said Australia now has zero tolerance for homophobia, and yet there are still hate groups active today spreading this hate speech.

 Please let your local government representatives and your churches know you stand against terrorism and homophobia. 
 Please support marriage equality.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Its Trash Day: Bob Katter

Its trash Day:
Bob Katter

 Bob Katter is leader of a minor political party in Australia. He is often referred to as the Mad Katter due to his ridiculous antics. One can only assume he is left to participate in Australian politics as part of some kind of in joke. Maybe the other politicians consider him to be like a mascot or something. 
 But the joke has gotten old, the mascot is pissing on the carpet and nipping at the guests, its time to put it out to pasture.

 Just days after the horrific Orlando massacre, a terror attack in which gays were gunned down Katter has released an advertisement where he kills two people with a gun.

 This may have been less reprehensible if Katter and his party didn't have a history of blatant homophobia.

 When confronted on the issue Bob Katter claimed the advertisement was funny and that he had no idea that the largest gun massacre in America had happened. Bob Katter claims not to watch television or read newspapers, and this may indeed be true given Bob Katters utter ignorance about everything. 
 But it is difficult to believe he had contact with no one before releasing this add, that no one thought to mention that endorsing gun violence just after Orlando gay hate terrorism might not be the best idea. 

Adding insult to injury Bob Katter went on to insult anyone offended by him and his advertisement. When a reasonable person accidentally offends a group, they will be shocked at their faux pas and apologise, they will try to make amends. Bob Katters reaction to continue to lash out at the victims of the terror attacks, and those who support them, suggests to me he knew full well what he is doing, but that's just my opinion.


 When even National parties politicians are calling for you to resign you should know you have really gone too far.

 The options are as follows:
1. Bob Katter knew about the Orlando terror attack and released his advertisment anyway because it helped his well established homophobic agenda. If true he is a hate preacher glorifying violence, endorses terrorism and should resign, before charges are brought against him.

2. Bob Katter didn't know about the largest gun massacre in US history, he didn't know about a major gay hate crime that shocked the world.  If so he is incompetent and unfit to hold office and should resign.

  Malcolm Turnbull the current Prime Minister has now said Australia now has zero tolerance for hate preachers, but as yet there has been no legal action against Bob Katter. 

Please find us on social media and share your fun.