Tuesday 9 June 2015

Greyhound Racing

No more chances

Greyhound racing is where there are a number of dogs and those dogs race around a track, people usually bet on who the winning dog will be, that dogs ‘owner’ will make a lot of money. It is heavily subsidised by taxpayers.

There has been a lot of cruelty in the industry over the years.  The dogs spend most of their time confined in a small cage or kennel. Of the 20,000 greyhound pups that are bred by the industry, Animals Australia estimates that 18,000 healthy dogs are killed in the greyhound industry each year. 8,000 puppy’s killed before ever racing, and 10,000 dogs killed because they aren’t fast enough to win a race. The dogs are often underfed and their confinement, training, racing existence causes health problems with around 5 dogs killed in official races each week. The dogs natural life expectancy is about 14 years, but few in the industry make it past 6 years, even those retired into breeding programs.

Live baiting is a practice that I remember being disgusted in when I was very young, while all trainers may not have used live baiting; it has been routine practice in the industry for many years. Live baiting is illegal and live animals should not have been used in training greyhounds. Live baiting involves kittens, piglets, possums, and rabbits. The Four Corners story is available online, but viewer discretion is advised. The 7:30 program has also exposed doping within the industry.

I think the Greyhound racing industry has had its chance; it’s had many an opportunity to clean up its practices, and has failed. It is time the industry was outlawed. It is time to end this barbaric practice as we have shown we cannot keep it going without resorting to the vilest of cruelty. No amount of reform will ever be enough to wipe the slate clean.

What can you do to help?

  • Don’t go to greyhound races, and don’t bet on greyhound races.

  • Share the above sites on social media.

  • Donate to any of the above organisations if you can afford it.


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