Saturday 20 June 2015

Yule 2015

Australian Yule

In Australia Yule falls somewhere around the 20th to the 23rd of June, as we are in the Southern Hemisphere. Yule is the shortest day and longest night. It marks the return of the suns warmth, and light. 

We celebrate this season with candles, fires, dressing the home with greenery and feasting. Yule logs are burned a Yule tree is placed in the home with a Pentagram at its highest tip. Gifts are exchanged and many Pagans stay up all night to welcome the return of the sun.
The Great Rite is performed with the Oak king taking the Projective, dominant role for the first time.

In actuality we have had a very odd winter so far, it’s been very hot and very cold, but hasn’t stayed one way or the other. I suppose this will get more prevalent as our climate changes, and will create whole new dilemmas for Pagans to come. Do we continue to turn the wheel as it should be in hopes of righting it, or do we try to adapt to the unseasonable and chaotic weather.
This Yule we will have a look at the Krampus.

The Krampus


He is a magical being a nature spirit for sure, but he may have indeed once been a powerful Pagan god. The Krampus visits children on Yule night. Adults often leave tribute out for him, usually alcohol. The Krampus will lash naughty children, and sometimes adults, with his birch rod and threaten to put them in his sack and carry them away, if they do not behave better.
The homes of adults who gave proper tribute to Krampus will be warded against evil spirits; good children were rewarded with small treats and gifts by the Krampus. 

Krampus himself is said to be a horned and hoofed goat man similar to the god Pan.  He has dark skin and his eyes glow like hot coals in the darkness. The Krampus carries a magical sack, a birch rod and sometimes even a trident or a chain.

After being demonised and ignored by the Christians, The Krampus is coming back, and he has a lot of Yules to catch up on. So when you hear that clipity clopping on the roof this Yule night, spare a cautious thought that it may not be Santa’s reindeer that you hear. You may be getting an unexpected visit from the true lord of Yule, The Krampus. Have your parents left him proper tribute? Will he reward you with a treat or lash you with his cane like branches?

 Blessed Yule

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