Hate Group Leader equates equal rights movement with rise of Nazis.
Lyle Shelton of the ACL hate group has linked the fight for gay rights to the rise of Nazis in Germany.
The ACL (Australian "christian" lobby) is a hate group that is for bullying children and against LGBT rights. They are a group of lying, bigoted, hypocritical, anti- constitutional, homophobes.
Those following the news may remember that these idiotic and insulting thoughts are not even his own, for when the ACL held there annual hate rally scorn was directed at the ACL for having a speaker that held those views. I did a post on it myself about my disgust that Scott Morrison our treasurer was attending the hate rally.
So Lyle Sheldton has seen how offensive and inappropriate it is to liken gays to Nazis, he has seen the harm this caused and months later still decides that it is an appropriate thing to say.
The fact that he had more than enough time to research the facts and still decided to mislead and vilify is disgusting. He has a responsibility to know better, and to do better.
For the record, the Nazis were homophobic like the ACL, the Nazis persecuted an estimated 100,000 men during the Holocaust. The Nazis shut down gay groups, and destroyed literature on sexuality, not the gay men.It is the ACL and other bigots that want to shut down Safe Schools anti-bulling campaigns, not the gays.
So bigots should really check themselves before comparing others (like a group who were the victims of the holocaust) to the Nazis.
Pot meet Kettle
Lyle Sheldton went on to repeat some inflammatory nonsense about children being taken form a mother and father, and i just recently did a Bigot Point article debunking just such a claim.
Will Scott Morrison now denounce this hate group? Will the authorities finally declare this hate group a terrorist organization and shut them down? Will the ABC apologize for allowing him on the air like they have done with another radical extremist who was only in the audience and not an invited panelist?
We all need to stand strong against these bigoted hate mongers. We need to be the guardians of what is good and right. We who choose to educate ourselves, so we don't say the opposite of what is truth, we need to oppose the spread of the kind of prejudice that the ACL encourage.
Also if your Christian, these bigots are giving your religion and your god a very bad name, let your church know you support equality as well as your government.
Contact Scott Morrison demand he denounce the ACL.
Contact the ABC and demand they apologize for airing this radical extremists hate speech.
Luckily we have a means to do so in the upcoming election. Contact your local candidates find out if they are homophobic and if they are tell them they do not have your vote.
Vote for equality this election.
Check out this helpful recourse for the four major parties.
But a leader with even passing knowledge of the bible might help the organization avoid such humiliation in the future.
'There are six things that the LORD strongly dislikes, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.'
Proverbs 6:16–19